6月16日,美国杜克大学研究者Chantel Griffin女士应外国语学院邀请,在翠西校区三楼国际报告厅,做了题为“(Mis)Represented on the Silver Screen?—Black Academy Award Winners and African American Identity(银幕中的呈现(误现)?黑人奥斯卡奖获得者及其非裔美国人身份)”的学术报告。本次讲座由刘亚萍副教授主持,外国语学院全体教师和一年级学生参加了讲座。
讲座中,Chantel Griffin以反映和代表美国文化的奥斯卡电影为切入点,追溯了1940-2017数届黑人奥斯卡奖获得者的银幕形象,批判性地探析了电影中黑人及黑人女性被呈现时可能引起的暴力、罪恶及奴役化的联想,揭示了黑人在美国社会有意或无意中被注入的种族偏见。Griffin在讲座中声情并茂, 绘声绘色, 其非裔美国人的身份与视角深刻而独到, 为我院师生带来了一次非常精彩的跨越文化和地域的思想交流。讲座结束后,在座师生与Chantel Griffin女士就美国黑人身份、电影中的形象变化的思考,以及文化自信等方面的进行了热烈的讨论。
Chantel Griffin, a Duke University Alum currently residing in Xian. With a background in Cultural Anthropology, Education and Media Studies, Ms. Griffin has always been drawn to issues of race, stereotyping and the plight of the marginalized. Her experience ranges from work at the Duke Center for Multicultural Affairs, advising The Organization for Black Collegians, to English education in China. The later forms the basis for future research, to study the inner workings of the Chinese English industry to better address the exponential growth of Chinese students abroad.